Jose waiting to go in and become an American Citizen;

making sure all is correct;

A proud citizen of the United States of America;

God Bless America, and God Bless Jose!!!;
I’m grateful, honored and proud to have been born a citizen into the United States of America. Gifts I’ve never taken for granted and understand why others that aren’t American dream of coming here and becoming a part of it. With all the controversy these days about immigrants, I must write about the recent experience I witnessed concerning one of the finest men I have ever met reaching his goal of become an American citizen.
This man is a humble, honorable, proud man and one of the hardest workers I have ever met. He came to this country, taught himself our language, acquired a job, worked odd jobs after work and days off; saving all the money he could to become a member of this nation.
Seven years ago he became a “Permanent Resident.” He obtained a sponsor and letters stating that he’d be an asset to our country. He’d earned so much respect in our community the mayor of the town where he resided, a prominent business leader of our community and others wrote in his favor.
This man continued to work, saving every penny, until he obtained the additional thousands of dollars needed to become a citizen of this great nation. He studied the laws of our nation, gaining more knowledge about our country than many Americans know. All that know him were proud and elated that this deserving man finally becoming a citizen of this nation.
The day arrived for the ceremony to take the oath of citizenship. As we arrived at the designated place for the ceremony I witnessed the pride, honor and respect all gave to this occasion. Everyone was dressed in their finest clothes to honor this occasion. We were ushered into a small room; future citizens were seated in rows down the center. Spectators were seated along each side.
A woman stood in the front of the room; asked the future citizens to stand and raise their right hands while she said the oath. She then instructed them to, “Sit down, when your name is called go to the BACK CORNER of the room, get your certificate from the man standing there, sit down, read it for any spelling errors and then LEAVE OUT THE BACK DOOR.
The whole process took approximately two minutes!
I have seen pre-school children in this country receive a better ceremony upon completion.
I felt embarrassed, ashamed and disgusted in the way this was handled. To become an American citizen is the greatest achievement that any person can obtain. These people had worked so hard, paid so much and were so proud to become citizens; then treated like this achievement meant nothing and that they meant nothing.
I can’t understand why Shouldn’t a ceremony of this magnitude couldn’t have a short speaker congratulating and welcoming them to our country. Shouldn’t they have been called to the FRONT of the room and had their hand shaken in congratulation as they received their certificate?!Or at least show them the respect when calling their name to receive their certificate to call them to the FRONT of the room, shake their hand and congratulate them.
I’m not saying all the Pomp and Circumstance of any scholastic achievement we show in this country is necessary. On the other hand; shouldn’t becoming a citizen of this nation outweigh any other achievement one may obtain in this country? I feel some respect and acknowledgement of achievement should be shown. I felt that this “ceremony” was not only degrading to those becoming a citizen, but also a disgrace to America.
If this is how we perceive the honor and right of becoming a citizen, shame on us!