okay, i may be a bit dense, but i just don't get spending billions of government dollars to bail out failing companies.
i can understand the "theory" that by bailing them out it should keep big companies open and therefore keep jobs going, but in my mind it's just a band-aide that will fall off in a short time.
band-aides don't heal the sore, they just keep the dirt off until the sore heals (and no band-aide provides the air and sun and actually promote healing faster). so it seems to me that these bail outs are just going to inhibit healing of our economy.
1. we bail out mortgage companies, but that isn't stopping people from losing their homes. it's only keeping the mortgage company in buiseness. what about the people?
2. now the car companies are going under due to lack of sales so we need to bail them out. hmmmm, so we give money to the car companies to stay in buiseness, but no one is buying cars, so isn't this just going to lead to them going out of buiseness later anyway?
3. buisenesses go out of buiseness every day, my son's wife has started her own buiseness, if she goes under will the government give her money to keep going?
somehow, it just seems to me that bailing out buisenesses to enable them to keep running isn't going to solve the problem that the people still aren't going to be any better off to buy their goods. hence, the buiseness will still go under sooner or later.
it seems to me that we are being run on fear of another depression.
the depression was scary.
the depression was hard times.
but it seems to me that our country and people survived it, and even learned and grew stronger during it. anyway, the people i know who survived the depression seem to appreciate what they have, take care of their belongings, are more frugal and don't waste money on unnecessary things.
and it isn't just the buisenesses that are responsible. people took out mortgages. people want things. people want to live in the style that they think is necessary to be happy.
maybe we can learn something from the depression; for instance:
1. live within ones means instead of debt of credit cards, new cars, huge houses, electronic equipment, unnecessary nic knacks and all the other things that "we just have to have to survive now days."
2. our children will not die and may even learn to use their imagination and go out and play if they don't have seperate rooms with a t.v., computer, electronic games and closets full of clothes that they don't wear half of.
(remember when children had one special toy and took care of it, played outside with friends, and even helped around the house= OH MY! maybe they wouldn't have time for hanging out on a street corners and doing drugs!!!!)
3. gardens in the back yard where the food was not grown with pesticides, herbicides, fungicides---gosh, that may even be healthy for us!!!!
(of course that would mean we'd have to cut our own lettuce, grate our own cheese, cook our own food----HEAVEN HELP US!!!!)
maybe i just don't understand due to the fact that i have lived so poor so many times in my life that people are so scared. i drove $500.00 cars rather than go into debt. i washed out trash cans because i couldn't afford bags to go in them (every day i appreciate that luxury i can now afford). my children had 5 sets a clothes to get them thru the school week and after school and weekends they wore what was back then called "play clothes" (which were old clothes or hand me downs). we grew gardens and canned to get thru the winter. i cooked!!! there were 3 meals a day and no snacks (snack food is EXPENSIVE!). my kids worked at home for free, and learned to work for neighbors and such to earn money (and amazing! all my kids work and support themselves to this day!!!) i bought a house i could afford and 5 people lived in a 2 bedroom house (OH MY!!!) we turned the heat down low, lights were turned off in rooms not in use, I WASHED DIAPERS!
and we survived!
when i see the medications being handed out in this country for anxiety, stess, depression; both parents to provide what we now call "the basics" (when did 3 t.v's and electronic games become "basic?"),people over their head in debt, huge homes for a family that can't fill them, new cars, boats, motorcycles etc. in the driveway it makes me wonder if we have come to a time that is so fast paced and stressful that maybe it's time we slow down, appreciate what we have and get back to the basics of life: air, food, shelter (and perhaps even a beleif in a higher power that all will be okay).
don't get me wrong. i don't want another depression. however, bailing out big companies with government money just doesn't seem like a logical answer to me.
maybe it's time we looked at our lives, what we really need and as the saying goes "tighten our belt buckles and get through this," not bail me out so i can keep living in the way i want to.
whew---got that off my chest LOL --- and it's nice to be back online again..for me anyway =;-}
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4 years ago
Well put!!!
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